Its been over 3 years and I still have never caught it because All my Powerful Formulas actually work. However, everyone who took the Forced Vaxx / Boost / Mask caught it several times. Of course I was right and they were wrong as they ignored “Science” and “Freedom” and made it a “Mandate”.
* Fauci, Biden, the Democrats and the Left Media Killed people, destroyed lives, relationships, businesses, corporations and the economy and cost Americans Trillions of dollars because of incompetence and ignorance.
* Who do you know of that was Forced to take it to keep their job to feed their families or just stupid enough to fall for all the BS Lies from the Biased Left Media, Gov and Gov Agencies?
– Keith Middlebrook Founder Reverse Aging Technologies
Keith Middlebrook Bio-Chemist / Nutritionist explains the Power of Minerals and Amino Acids for Natural Immunity that the Lying Left Media / Government don’t want you to know.
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* My Brand Super Health / Super Wealth